Eustegasta buprestoides (Four-Spotted Jade Cockroach)


Something half a gallon to a gallon in size would work well for a starter culture. A 5 gallon tank/tub would suffice for a permanent colony setup. Moderate to high ventilation levels are preferred, though they aren't very picky in that regard. An airtight lid is a must, and a climbing barrier is recommended as adults are great at climbing and flying.

2-4 inches of chunky, loose substrate is recommended, kept humid but not wet. If the substrate compacts too much it can be hard for the smaller, fragile nymphs to burrow through it. I recommend a base substrate of coconut fiber, sphagnum peat, or potting soil, with something chunkier mixed in such as coco coir chunks, mulch, or white rot wood crumbles.

Hides are unnecessary, as this is a burrowing species. Adults will climb on aboveground structures but this isn't a necessity.


Dog food, fruits and veggies work well as the staple diet. No wood or leaf litter is necessary for successful rearing/breeding of this species, however they will consume white rot wood with some zeal. Leaf litter and further rotted wood aren't consumed with much vigor.


Temps in the 75-85F° are recommended for optimal breeding and growth.

Breeding/Life Cycle:

Adults live for 3-6 months on average, with females living longer than the males. Females take around 1.5-2 months to gestate their broods depending on temperature, and litter sizes are usually small, around 12 nymphs. Nymphs take approximately 7-8 months to mature, with males usually reaching maturity before the females do, but not drastically sooner. 

This species is not especially sensitive to pests, pathogens, or crowding. The main issues to look out for would be filth buildups and compaction of the substrate, which if left unchecked can result in culture crashes.
Small nymphs are especially fragile and care should be taken when digging around their substrate to avoid accidentally crushing them.

Overall this species doesn't pose too much of a challenge to the cockroach hobbyist. Their small brood sizes and relatively slow growth mean cultures can be slow to start, though once they get going, reproduction is fairly stable and consistent. A must have for any roach enthusiast!