Thursday, April 13, 2023

Eucorydia & Euthyrrhapha Adults!

Well, got lots of Corydiidae updates to cover, so let's get started! 😁 

First off, one of my Eucorydia forceps females matured! Unfortunately no males have matured yet, but with any luck one or two of the subadult males in there will molt soon and mate with my female (and hopefully more females will mature as well). Seems like the females are smaller than the males of this species, rather odd for this genus. The females also seem to be a rather dull metallic green, very dark, whereas from pictures I've seen, males are far more vibrant in coloration, with more blue iridescence as well.

Here are some pictures of the female:

Dark as females of this species may be, they're still very pretty roaches, with some neat setae "patterning" on their wings. I hope some more mature soon, (and that this female doesn't go to waste... 😅).

Next up, one of my Eucorydia linglong males has matured! Looks like I have multiple subadults of both sexes as well, so hopefully some females will pop out soon! I'd forgotten how pretty adults of this species were, such vibrant blues towards the tips of their wings.

No new pictures of these, because I'm too busy lol, but there are some pictures from last year on this post if you're interested.

Hopefully I'll do better with this species this generation, need to keep the adults warmer than last time for breeding for sure. 

Now, in the most exciting Eucorydia news, THREE of my Eucorydia westwoodi males have matured, with one sub female looking like she'll mature within the next day or two, and at least two other sub females who should mature within the next few weeks. 😁 These are probably THE prettiest roach in culture ATM, the adults are so vibrantly colored, and they're also double to triple the size of most Eucorydia in culture!

Here are some pictures of one of the males:

Absolutely stunning, and they look even better in person! Can't wait to see some females mature here soon, hopefully I breed this species successfully!

Last but not least, I've got an adult male Euthyrrhapha pacifica already! 😊 Unfortunately, the other six sub/pre-sub nymphs are also males... 😐 However there are six smaller nymphs that I couldn't sex, so hopefully I'll have a pair in that small group... 🤞

But hey, at least I have an adult to get pictures of, so without further adieu:

Isn't he stunning? 😍 I really love this species a lot, though they are very small, maybe half the size of Eucorydia yasumatsui. The coloration/morphology on the adults more than makes up for it though. Hopefully I'll get some pairs maturing from my group of small nymphs soon so I can breed them, we'll see.

Anyways, that does it for this post, thanks for reading, hope everyone enjoyed, stay safe, and I'll see you all next time! 😉

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Odds & Ends

Well, my Helleria brevicornis are doing fantastic, the remaining old individuals from last year are growing pretty big, and their many offspring are growing slowly but steadily. I put them through a mild diapause this winter, to ensure breeding activity this year from the older individuals, and I'm pretty sure I've seen some mating activities already. 😃 So here's hoping for lots more babies this year!

Anyways, here are some pictures of one of my largest individuals:

This still isn't full size for this species, but this one's still the largest conglobating isopod I've seen in person. 😍

I FINALLY started getting eggs and larvae from my Cryptoglossa infausta! Seems pure fine clay does not work as an oviposition medium for this species, a mix of clay, sand and old Panesthiinae substrate did the trick though (and has also seemed to help reproduction improvement with my C.muricata as well). The larvae are pretty typically looking for Cryptoglossini, but still, I figured I'd get pictures of confirmed C.infausta larvae, something that hasn't really existed until now. 

Without further delay, here are those pics:

Hopefully I'll be able to rear some to adulthood, we'll see!

Now, my Cubaris sp. "White Ducky" have not been breeding that well for me at all, with very very infrequent broods and minimal mancae survival rates, despite me keeping them as is typically recommended for this species. I'm pretty sure I figured it out though; I was keeping them too cool, and possibly not ventilated enough.

I tossed one female in as a test into an old roach bin (with some excess Hebardina males and stowaway Compsodes still inside), and she gave birth pretty quickly afterwards. The resulting offspring have been thriving, so I bit the bullet and threw the rest of my colony into that roach bin. Since then, at least one or two more litters have been born, and the mancae from the older broods are growing very quickly. Apparently heat and high ventilation are key for this species, and I'm realizing a lot of isopods in general seem to handle it pretty warm, if not prefer it warm. But having high ventilation seems crucial in warmer temps, otherwise they can die rapidly.

Lastly, another isopod update, one of my Porcellio magnificus females gave birth this week, and another female looks super gravid! These things are very slow breeders, but at least they give birth to decent sized broods. 😅

Anyways, that's gonna do it for this post, thanks for reading, hope everyone enjoyed, stay safe, and I'll see you all next time! 😉

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Updates, Updates and More Updates!

Well, I told y'all I'd share pictures of my female Blaberus cf. chacoensis female pics eventually, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do now. 😄 I also got pictures of the last few abdominal segments of both her and the male, just so you can see how easy it is to tell the difference in adult Blaberus.



Female's ventral abdominal segments

Male's ventral abdominal segments

She's a beaut, isn't she? Looking pretty gravid too, so hopefully only a matter of time before I have offspring.

My Polyphaga plancyi female has laid an ooth finally! 😁 So the breeding has officially started! And what's more, my second male has matured, and the presub female is now a subadult. Not really any pics to show off here, just a positive update!

Well, one of my Goliathus goliatus has made a pupal cell! 😃 I'm quite excited, and I hope the rest of mine follow suite soon, really looking forward to seeing adults of these beasts! Again, no pics to share for this update, just wanted it to be known though.

Now for a couple of Euthlastoblatta spp. updates to wrap this post up.

Firstly, I've started getting hatchlings in my Euthlastoblatta sp. "Everglades" culture, woohoo!!! 😊  The hatchlings look exactly like those of E.diaphana, though they differ in coloration as they get older for sure. I'll be rehousing them to a larger enclosure soon, and look forward to having a big colony soon!

Now, in arguably more exciting news, I have several adults of both sexes of Euthlastoblatta abortiva now! Not only that, but they're already laying ooths! 😆 These may be my new favorite Pseudophyllodromid, the adults are GORGEOUS, and they aren't as tiny as a lot of the other Pseudophyllodromids in culture.

Here are some pictures, mostly of a female because she was the easiest to get photos of, male wouldn't sit still. 🙄



Isn't this species so pretty? The sexual dimorphism is pretty noticeable as well, which is always nice. Hopefully they continue to breed and lay ooths, looking forward to making these available in the nearish future!

Well, that does it for this post, thanks for reading, hope everyone enjoyed, stay safe, and I'll see you all next time! 😉