Late October Roachcrossing Package Series Pt. 1/3
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First up, he sent me a nice sized starter colony of Arenivaga apacha "Cave Creek Canyon, AZ". He sent me these not only so I could get a colony established (since this genus is among my favorites to culture), but he specifically wanted me to get pictures of adults, for potential use on hats he wants to have made for his website. 😄 I'm hoping at least a couple of the pictures I took of them were good enough, we shall see what he says!
I've got my culture set up in a well ventilated container with an inch of fine coconut fiber as the substrate, one third humid, the rest bone dry, topped with crushed leaf litter. In addition to the leaves, I'm feeding them dog food, and keeping them at 75F° or so.
Here are the pictures I took of them:
Mature female |
Mature male |
Mature pair |
Nymphs |
Believe it or not, the adult male in these pictures is dead... 😅 He literally died the day I decided to sit down and try to get pictures of them. 😂 However he was still soft and pliable enough for me to prop him up in this pictures in a lifelike stance (it helps that Arenivaga males often play dead when I photograph them anyways, so there was not much of a difference in posture).
Hopefully some of these pictures are to Kyle's satisfaction, and hopefully this species breeds well for me, they are beautiful, especially the nymphs IMO! 😍
Kyle also sent me a ton of tiny Arenivaga cf. tenax "Animas, NM" nymphs! 😃 So now I have two distinct locales of this species (presumably), curious to see how adults of this locality compare to those of the "Socorro, TX" strain.
Similar to most of my Arenivaga spp., I've got my culture set up in a well ventilated container with an inch of fine coconut fiber as the substrate, one third humid, the rest bone dry, topped with crushed leaf litter. In addition to the leaves, I'm feeding them dog food, and keeping them at 75F° or so.
Here are some pictures of one of the tiny nymphs:
Here's hoping these do well for me, this species seems to grow rather fast, and I've already started getting adults from my "Socorro, TX" culture. 😄
Anyways, that's gonna do it for this post, thanks for reading, hope everyone enjoyed, stay safe, and I'll see you all next time! 😉
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