Friday, September 30, 2016

Jerusalem Cricket, Coelus ciliatus & Centipede Updates

Well, my largest Jersalem cricket female, Swirl, ate her mate, Jiminy. I found what was left of his body on top of the substrate in their her enclosure. She had been hunkered down in her burrow for most of the week I left them in with each other, and when she surfaced and found the male she probably freaked out and killed him. I'm hoping he got to mate before she did so, but chances are she may have killed him before he had the chance.

I separated Tiny and Sam after finding Jiminy dead, as Tiny is my last male. Hopefully Tiny mated with Sam, the few times I saw them interact they seemed scared by each other, but hopefully they mated when I was not looking. He and Sam were removed from their cages and put in a larger enclosure for mating, and thus had not established territories, but I put Jiminy in Swirl's enclosure that she had already been in for a while. I think had I removed Swirl and put her in unfamiliar territory along with Jiminy, she may not have killed him. Instead, I put Jiminy in her territory, and I think as soon as she saw him she probably freaked out and attacked him.

My Scolopendra polymorpha "Rio Grand", Tirek, has finally surfaced after a long fast, he has been in a burrow at the bottom of his cage for several weeks now. I fed him a Parcoblatta americana nymph, and an adult female Parcoblatta lata that was dying. He's fattened up a bit, but still looks a little skinny. I don't think he even molted the whole time he was in hiding. Hopefully he will stay active and eat a bit more, would love for him to start growing.

Here are a couple of pictures I snapped of him yesterday:

Centipedes are such amazing creatures, and this species is a very pretty one! Can't wait until he reaches full size, he should get pretty big when full grown!

A few weeks ago I separated a couple of Coelus ciliatus larva for pupation, I put them in small deli cups filled with almost an inch of a moist, compressed sand and coconut fiber mixture. I waited for them to build pupal cells at the bottom of the enclosure, like most darkling beetle larva do, but they never did. I wondered if the larvae had died or were still digging around in search of a suitable pupation spot.

I had almost given up on them, so yesterday I put about ten more larva in containers for pupation, hoping they'd have better luck. However, today while inspecting my collection, I noticed that two freshly eclosed beetles were on the surface of the of the substrate in the both the deli cups!
I have moved them to a container full of dry sand, with some dead leaves and a piece of cat food in the cage for food and shelter. I'll be keeping them in there for a week or so, until their exoskeletons have hardened.

Here are some pictures of them:

I am very happy that I've reared these to adulthood, however I am a little upset that I was not able to get any pictures of the pupae. I'll need to be more diligent with the other larvae I attempt to pupate, and dig them up after a while to find a pupa. Once I do I will have captured every important part of this species' life cycle on camera!

Well, that's gonna be it for this post, I hope you guys enjoyed, and I'll see you all next time! :)

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