Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A Trade with Orin McMonigle!

Last year I traded with the one and only Orin McMonigle, famed invertebrate husbandry book author and one of the pioneers of the US pet invertebrate hobby. Several months later, let's finally show off what I got. 😁 

The main species I was looking to get was his Porcellio expansus "Orange Skirt - Witch's Potion". This is the "Dalmatian" morph expression in the Orange Skirted locality of Porcellio expansus. Orin was the first to isolate this morph, and they are still exceedingly rare in the hobby ATM. Partially due to this being a finicky strain of this species, and the often long process of isolating morphs like this.

Thankfully Orin was kind enough to trade me a group, however the first group he sent seemed to all be females... either that or the few deaths I had while they acclimated to their new setup were the only males in the group. However he subsequently sent me another group, with one definite male and some other mixed immatures as well. 😁 

I've got them housed in a well ventilated enclosure with a thin layer of coconut fiber as the substrate, topped with lots of bark hides and leaf litter. I am keeping one third of the setup humid, the rest dry. They are at around 80F°, and I'm offering dog food and calcium carbonate as supplemental nutrition.

Here are some photos of these stunners:

An absolutely beautiful morph, hopefully these will take off for me!

Next up, we got Orthomorpha subkarschi, the "Yellow Dragon Millipede". These beauties are pretty large for a flatback, and are apparently easier to breed than most as well. 

I've had mine housed in a minimally ventilated enclosure with a few inches of flake soil substrate, topped with some larger chunks of rotten wood and leaf litter. I'm offering fruits and dog food as supplemental food. Keeping them moist, and at around 75F°.

Here are some photos of them:

I'm on my second generation of adults atm, I'll need to rehouse them soon to help them boost their numbers (and need to toss in more leaf litter and wood as well). Overall probably the easiest millipede I've kept!

Last but not least, I got a pair of his Eleodes spinipes ventricosa stock, which has been in culture since 2006. They have laid very prolifically for me, and I've already started rearing up new adults! They're actually pretty easy, at least they seem to be as easy to breed as E.s.macrura

I have mine in a well ventilated enclosure with an inch of coconut fiber substrate, topped with cardboard rolls for hides. I'm keeping one third of the substrate humid, the rest dry, and have them at around 80F°. Feeding them dog food as the staple diet. The adults seem to oviposit just fine in straight coir, which is interesting since my E.s.macrura seem to prefer a bit of sand in their substrate to trigger oviposition. 🤔 

Here are some pictures of a pair:



So glad to finally have this old stock in my collection, seems like they're doing quite well for me! 😁 

Well, that does it for this post, thanks for reading, hope everyone enjoyed, and I'll see you all next time! 😉 

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