Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Pure Ducky Pictures, Hemilepistus Babies & More!

My Cubaris sp. "Rubber Ducky - 2017" line have been doing great for me, and seem easier (and larger) than the "Blondish" line I had a couple years ago that threw out all sorts of colors (and may have been a different species entirely, as is currently suspected).

Here are a couple pics I shot of them recently:

So glad to have the OG Duckies in my collection, love their consistent coloration and dark grey banding.

Now, in big news for my collection, I've successfully bred Hemilepistus pavlovskii!!! 😁 Unfortunately the smaller of my two females didn't survive over winter, but the larger of the two did, and gave birth some time over the past month or so. I hadn't seen her in a while, so I'm pretty sure she burrowed down and gave birth underground, and likely guarded and cared for the offspring for their first molt or two. I think this is the case, because I only noticed mancae on the surface when they were at least a couple molts into life.

The babies are growing quite quickly, which is great to see, I think there's about 20 of the little things in there. Hopefully they will grow well and provide me with another generation! 🤞 

Here are the cuties:

They almost look like baby Porcellio hoffmannseggi in patterning. 😄 I hope I can continue to succeed with this species, time will tell!

My Armadillidium maculatum "Yellow" from Billy Yadeskie are doing well, I recently started feeding them a beta-carotene rich diet, and their colors are really popping now!

Here are some pictures of one of the largest adults in the culture:

A beautiful morph, and one that's been doing quite well for me. 😄

Lastly, I've been culturing some normal, wild type Armadillidium vulgare from Kuna, ID for a couple years now. They've done well for me, and I just decided to get some pictures of them the other week for fun.

Here they are:

Might not be anywhere near as colorful as most of the other morphs and strains I have of this species, but I like a nice wild type every now and then. 🙂

Anyways, that does it for this post, thanks for reading, hope everyone enjoyed, and I'll see you all next time! 😉 

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