Monday, July 29, 2024

Lotsa New Roaches!

A few months ago I received a box with a bunch of new roaches, most of which were new for the US hobby (or had died out here). I'm SO behind on blog posts it's not even funny, but I'm glad to finally be covering these new additions. 😀

First off, I received about 7 nymphs of Deropeltis sp. "Tsavo West, Kenya - Big". A species rather similar in appearance to sp. "Masai Mara", but supposedly larger (and IMO the nymphs are more colorful). With numbers that low, and since I'm not the best with this genus, I sent them straight away to my buddy Brandon Maines at Magnificent Beasts, who's much better at breeding Deropeltis than I. So hopefully he can get them going, and then I'll just get a group off of him. 😄 

Anyways, here are some pictures of one of the nymphs:

Hopefully we can get these established in the US hobby, and add another Deropeltis to the roster here!

I also received a group of Hyporhicnoda sp. "Venezuela" (traded as "H.reflexa" in the EU hobby, but they are definitely not that species, you can read more about that here). Again this is a species I'm not super confident about breeding based on my past failure to do so, so I sent half of mine to Ty Randall at Ty Dye Exotics, who's bred the similar Hyporhicnoda litomorpha successfully. So one way or another, these should be getting established here in the states.

I've got mine housed in a moderately ventilated enclosure with several inches of coconut fiber substrate, which I'm keeping very moist. I'm offering dog food and fruits as the staple diet, and keeping them at around 75F°.

Here are a few pictures of some large nymphs:

Looking forward to seeing these mature, and hopefully succeeding in breeding them!

Now for a species I was actually confident in breeding, Tagaloblatta sp. "Wannag 3, Paupa New Guinea". These were being traded around as unidentified "Ectobiids" in the EU hobby, but after seeing some in person it's clear as day that they're another Tagaloblatta species, and distinct from the sp. "Okinawa" we have in culture. They also have the weird feature of both males and females randomly maturing into either microapterous or macroapterous adults.

I have them in a minimally ventilated enclosure with a thin layer of coco fiber, topped in bark and eggcrates. I'm keeping them humid, at around 75-80F°, and am feeding them dog food.

Here are some pictures of a macroapterous and microapterous adult:

A very cute little species, with good feeder potential IMO. They've been breeding prolifically for me, and are now available on my For Sale page, if anyone's interested. 😁

Next up we have Eublaberus posticus "French Guiana". This species is very common as a feeder roach here in the US, however until now we have not had the French Guiana locality, which has adults with much darker coloration than the other hobby stocks, and different pronotum markings too. Should make for a nice addition to the hobby here for those that want their feeders to look a little different. 

I've got my nymphs in a moderately ventilated enclosure with a couple inches of coco fiber substrate, topped with eggcrates. I'm feeding them dog food as the staple diet, keeping them on a 50/50 humidity gradient, at around 75F°.

Here are some pictures of large nymphs:

Hopefully they will mature soon, can't wait to see the adults in person!

I also got a group of Nocticola sp. "Vienna Zoo", yet another parthenogenetic species which looks quite similar to sp. "Malaysia" and sp. "University Park, FL". Whether it is the same species as either of those strains (or both) has yet to be determined, and can probably only be done so via genetic analysis. 

I have them in a minimally ventilated enclosure with a thin layer of coconut fiber substrate, topped in leaf litter and eggcrates. I'm keeping them moist, and at around 75-80F°. Feeding them dog/fish food as the staple diet.

Here are some pictures of a couple adults:

They're breeding quite well for me already, though I shouldn't be too surprised, they are parthenogenetic after all... 😅

Lastly, in terms of new stocks for US culture, I got a group of Eupolyphaga sinensis "Peking, China". Finally, locality stock of a hobby classic! They seem pretty similar to the old hobby stock, perhaps slightly smaller though.

I have them in a well ventilated enclosure with a couple inches of coconut fiber substrate, topped with leaf litter. I'm keeping them humid, at around 75F°, and am feeding them dog food and fruits.

Here are some pics of an adult pair:


Female & Male


Hopefully they'll breed well for me, finally have a mature female now, so keeping my fingers crossed! 🤞

I also got groups of Decoralampra fulgencioi, Hebardina ugandana, and (accidentally) Dipteretrum hanstroemi, all of which are now breeding for me. Turns out with Decoralampra, they just need to be kept like, soaking wet, in order to breed consistently (they also seem to like a more chunky substrate). And Hebardina ugandana also like it quite humid, and much less ventilated than you would think an African Blattid would like (if kept dryer, the oothecae will not hatch). 

All in all, a very nice box with some very nice goodies inside, looking forward to seeing these species thrive in the US hobby!

But that does it for this post, thanks for reading, hope everyone enjoyed, and I'll see you all next time! 😉 


  1. How are your Deropeltis sp. "Tsavo West, Kenya - Big" getting on ? I got my first adult males to mature this month

    1. Well, as I stated in this post, I sent them all to one of my buddies right away, since he has better luck with Deropeltis than I. 😅 But they're doing well for him so far.

  2. Good luck to him TJ, I have around 12 individuals so fingers crossed
