Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Rhabdoblatta formosana & Pycnoscelus surinamensis Updates

So, my Rhabdoblatta culture hasn't been doing all that well lately. Even after cleaning out their entire enclosure and then rehousing them, all my females have been aborting their ooths, and quite a few adults have died already, leading to a Phorid fly outbreak. I've been cleaning out most of the dead bodies fairly often and have introduced some Trichorhina tomentosa to the enclosure in the hopes that they'll outcompete the Phorid flies, however they still keep coming.

Last night I packed up 50 of my adults, (a rather large chunk of my remaining population), and shipped them off to Kyle, who lost his culture, as part of a trade in the hopes that he'd be able to get some offspring out of them before they all died off. I also separated two young males and one subadult female nymph (the last large nymph in the main culture), in the hopes of starting a new culture, should my main one die out.

However, this morning, after doing maintenance on the enclosure, I found that a litter of nymphs had been born in my main colony!! 😁 Finally, after my culture almost completely died off, and a very long wait, I have gotten a new generation of Rhabdoblatta!!

Here are a few pictures of the newborn nymphs:

Very glad I once again have babies of this cool species, hopefully they'll do well for me!

Recently my Pycnoscelus surinamensis culture started crashing due to overpopulation, so I had to move them to a larger enclosure. Now that I have moved them they are doing much better, lots of them have been maturing lately, in fact last week I found another male in my enclosure! He was in much better condition than the last male I photographed, so I decided to take some pictures of him.

Here he is pigging out on some cat food:

And here is what feeding time looks like in this enclosure:

Glad that these guys are doing well, and that I was able to get more pictures of a male, which are super rare!

Anyway, that's gonna be it for today, hope you guys enjoyed this post, and I'll see you all next post! :)

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