Friday, January 1, 2016

My New Parcoblatta divisa and Parcoblatta uhleriana!

Happy new year's everyone! One of my new year's resolutions this year is to get lots of new bugs, and to be successful with the ones I already have! :) Let's get to talking about some of my new roaches!

I have three of the southern wood roaches, Parcoblatta divisa, two half-grown females and one subadult male. I am keeping the male in a small deli container on my windowsill so that he will grow slowly, it is colder on the windowsill than anywhere else in my house, so he will hopefully grow slowly to allow the females time to mature for him to mate with them.

I am keeping the two females in a small plastic container, which is on top of a Zoo Med heating cable so that they grow faster. The substrate for both sexes is moist coconut fiber, with dead leaves and cardboard pieces as hides. I am feeding them dog food, fruits and veggies.

Here are some pictures of the nymphs!



Hopfully I will be able to sync the female's growths with the male's, I would really like to breed this attractive Parcoblatta!

I have about a dozen nymphs of the Uhler's wood roach, Parcoblatta uhleriana. These are by far my favorite Parcoblatta, I love the very dark coloration of the nymphs and the way they look more "squat", than the other Parcoblatta. Plus, nymphs have a band of red color on their rear.

I am keeping them in a medium sized plastic container with moist coconut fiber as the substrate and dead leaves and cardboard pieces as hides. I am feeding them dog food, fruits and veggies.

Here are some pictures of the nymphs:

I am very excited to breed this species, and I can't wait until they mature!

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, and I look forward to what this year may bring! See you later! :)

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